Hello, I am Bob, a junior high school student from Taiwan. I did some research on the disassembly of prime numbers for months and Made my own assumptions - KYT's conjecture. I don't expect to prove Goldbach Conjecture is wrong. But I seem to have found a prime numbers p attern between the two even numbers (in the same number group) . Here is what I found the pattern and it is my blog, Please have a look at it. The author of this article is Bob KYT. The following article was translated by Google and modified by Gary. Some expressions may not be smooth because of the language. But still thanks to google translate :-) Goldbach's conjecture and its extension - KYT's conjecture 1. Accidental discovery - When the even number is used for the following group analysis (the adjacent group of the same group has a difference of 18) - 20 = 2+0=2 ← 2 is a single digit stop (2 is a group) 114 = 1+1+4= 6 ← 6 is a single digit that stops (6 is a gro...